
accredited 10 hour programme
Cost per student: £39
Group bookings available


By completing this course you will become more confident in your knowledge of road and vehicle related issues.

  • The programme covers topics such as attitude & behaviour, understanding legal requirements, knowledge of your vehicle.

  • Drink/drug driving/ speeding risks and consequences, dealing with peer group pressure and what to do at the scene of an accident.

  • There is also a section on working out the costs of buying and maintaining a vehicle legally on the road. 

This is a vocational course so there will be no exam to sit but with our support and guidance we aim to ensure every student is successful.

The  programme is completed through distance learning and once the work portfolio is ready you then submit it to us by email for internal assessment.

Students will receive their Authentic Certificate by recorded delivery within 7 - 10 days on completion.

The  Roadwise course will :

Recognise and reward your personal achievements.

Help you manage your own learning.

Broaden your experience.

Develop your employability skills and personal effectiveness.

Course cost: £39.00 per student
